
Olympus Transcription Kit AS-9000


The Ultimate Addition to your Olympus Professional Dictation System.

The brand new AS-9000 Transcription Kit combined with the Olympus DS-9500 and Olympus DS-9000 Professional Dictation systems (or other Olympus professional voice recorders) provides a complete, end-to-end solution for your business.

Featuring the four-button Olympus RS-31H foot pedal, Olympus E103 stereo headset, and next-generation Olympus Dictation Management System (ODMS) R transcription software – Olympus AS-9002, the Olympus AS-9000 is designed to be integrated into the workflow of any office system – significantly streamlining data sharing and distribution of dictations amongst staff, between departments, and across office locations.

Foot Switch Control
An ergonomic four-button foot switch allows for hands-free control of the playback process.

Streamlined Workflow with Multiple Format Playback and Enhanced Compatibility

Special email and FTP functions allow dictation files to be automatically sent to predetermined locations or addresses upon downloading. Dictation files are then automatically sorted by the sender and, upon receipt, the document files are automatically entered into the appropriate workflow.

DSS, DSS Pro, MP3 and WAV/AIFF audio formats can be played in the background when another application, such as word processing software, is running.

The AS-9000 Transcription Kit features support for Citrix and Terminal Service, improved compatibility with optional ‘Nuance Dragon’ software, and file sharing via the included ODMS software.


What’s in the box:


Device Operation

  • Programmable button: 4 buttons (3+1)


  • Compatible OS Microsoft® Windows® 7 Ultimate/Enterprise/Professional SP1 (x86/x64)
  • Microsoft® Windows® 8.1 Enterprise/Pro/Windows 8.1 Update (x86/x64)
  • Microsoft® Windows® 10 Enterprise/Pro/Home (x86/x64)
  • Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 | SP2 (x86/x64)
  • Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 | SP1 (x86/x64)
  • Microsoft® Windows Server® 2012 (x64)
  • Microsoft® Windows Server® 2012 R2 (x64)
  • Microsoft® Windows Server® 2016 (x64)

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